BRS FC422: Common bean cultivar with large carioca bean grain and resistance to diseases
Phaseolus vulgaris, 100-seed weight, plant breeding.
BRS FC422 is a common bean cultivar with large carioca bean grain of very light beige seed coat color and 100-seed weight of 27 g. It has wide adaptation to different production regions; high mean yield (2,459 kg ha-1), with greater superiority to check cultivars in Brazil’s Central region (2,399 kg ha-1) and higher yield in the South region (2,905 kg ha-1); and high yield potential (4,347 kg ha-1). BRS FC422 is classified as having moderate resistant to Fusarium wilt and anthracnose and intermediate resistance to common bacterial blight.
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Cunha Melo, L., Lívio Pessoa Oliveira de Souza, T., Sfeir Aguiar, M., Cláudio de Faria, L., Geraldo Cáprio da Costa, J., Pereira Torga, P., Morais Guimarães, C., Wilson Lemos de Carvalho, H., Martins de Almeida, V., de Araújo Pontes Júnior, V., & Santos Pereira, H. (2024). BRS FC422: Common bean cultivar with large carioca bean grain and resistance to diseases. Functional Plant Breeding Journal, 6. Retrieved from